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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Wednesday that failure to avoid looming "fiscal cliff" tax increases would reverberate beyond U.S. borders.
"It would be bad for the economy, it would be bad for those families, in fact it would be bad for the world economy," Obama told reporters at the White House as he met with his cabinet.
Obama and congressional leaders are negotiating over how to avoid approximately $600 billion in tax hikes and spending cuts that would begin in 2013 and that analysts say would push the U.S. economy back into recession.
The president has proposed maintaining existing tax rates for all but the top two income tax brackets, but congressional Republicans are opposed to any tax increases.
(Reporting By Jeff Mason, writing by Mark Felsenthal; Editing by Sandra Maler)
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/obama-says-letting-u-taxes-rise-hurt-world-204209617--business.html
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ScienceDaily (Nov. 29, 2012) ? Using standard tools of the molecular-biology trade and a new, much-improved animal model of a prevalent but poorly understood tropical parasitic disease called urogenital schistosomiasis, Stanford University School of Medicine researchers were able to obtain "snapshots" of shifting gene activity levels during the early, acute phase of what for most becomes a chronic bladder infection.
The findings, described in a study to be published online Nov. 29 in PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, could lead to new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to urogenital schistosomiasis, a chronic disease that infects about 112 million people, almost entirely in developing countries and particularly in Africa, said Michael Hsieh, MD, PhD, assistant professor of urology and the study's senior author.
"Schistosomiasis is a huge global health problem and one of the most neglected of the neglected tropical diseases," said Hsieh. "Some 150,000 people die each year from urogenital-schistosomiasis-induced kidney failure. And this doesn't include deaths from bladder cancer or as a result of increased susceptibility to other infections, such as HIV, attributable to schistosomiasis-generated genital tract damage." Estimates that take into account chronic schistosomiasis' overall impact on quality of life place it on a par with other world-class health scourges such as malaria and tuberculosis.
Schistosomiasis is caused by a parasitic worm of the genus Schistosoma. Different Schistosoma species infect different organs, said Hsieh, whose research focuses on infection-induced bladder inflammation. S. haematobium, which is responsible for infection of the urogenital tract, is acquired by exposure to contaminated water. "The parasite larvae can smell fatty acids in our skin as well as detect motion. They're like smart bombs, equipped to find us."
After invading the skin and a pass through the circulatory system, the larvae mature to adulthood, lodge in blood vessels of the bladder wall and other pelvic organs and begin to lay eggs. A single worm can extend to several millimeters, lay hundreds of sand-grain-sized eggs every day and live for years to decades, Hsieh said.
In a study published recently in the British Medical Journal, John Ioannidis, MD, DSc, a Stanford professor of medicine, deplored the dearth of treatments for neglected tropical diseases including schistosomiasis. There are no vaccines for preventing it, and only a single drug, praziquantel, is approved by the World Health Organization for treating it. While cheap and relatively effective, it doesn't cure all infections. Plus it tastes terrible, which causes a surprisingly large number of people to stop taking it. Experts believe it's just a matter of time before the parasite develops resistance to praziquantel.
Despite a pressing need to come up with good anti-S. haematobium agents, almost all the existing medical literature is on other Schistosoma species. That's because until recently there were no practical animal models for S. haematobium infection. "We know next to nothing about the earliest molecular events in the bladder after eggs enter the tissue," said Hsieh. "When you try to naturally infect mice by simply exposing them to the parasite, the mice develop an infection in their liver or intestine instead of their bladder wall."
In March of this year, Hsieh and his colleagues reported, in the journal PLoS Pathogens, that they had solved this problem by injecting S. haematobium eggs directly into the bladder wall of ordinary laboratory mice. For the new PLoS-NTD study, Hsieh and his colleagues used this mouse model to synchronize the initiation of bladder infection by the parasite, thereby synchronizing the timing of post-infection changes that take place in bladder tissue so the researchers could better observe the parasitic infection's early trajectory. They injected about 3,000 parasite eggs into each of a few dozen lab mice and used microarray technology -- a method of globally measuring the activity of virtually every gene in a tissue -- to monitor thousands of genes' activity levels in bladder-wall tissue over the ensuing weeks.
The investigators set their microarray probe's sensitivity to flag any gene whose activation level either increased or decreased by a factor of two or more. They monitored thousands of genes whose activity levels were either amped up or tamped down at one, three and five weeks post-infection. These changes peaked at merely three weeks post-infection. "This is an important result," said Hsieh. "It shows that continuous waves of egg deposition, not just the initial schistosome infection, are what's generating chronic disease. So if you can kill the worms flat-out, you should be able to halt the cycle."
It would have been impossible to see this simply by observing patients, said Hsieh. "With the natural human infection, you never know when any given person is initially infected -- unless it's that unfortunate American tourist that got infected while swimming in Lake Victoria on a weeklong Africa visit," he said.
The team also noted that these gene-activity changes fell into clusters. "Very soon after infection, we saw changes in activation levels in a cluster of cancer-associated genes. Likewise with another cluster of genes involved in fibrosis, or scarring, in the bladder. This confirms that fibrosis kicks in very quickly," said Hsieh -- a not unexpected result, as parasite eggs' burrowing causes significant bladder-wall damage.
On the other hand, within the first week there was a general suppression of genes associated with maintaining the integrity of the bladder wall. Inadequate production of this group of molecules would be expected to result in a leaky bladder wall, said Hsieh, and it probably did. "This happened at a time when the mice were shedding eggs in their urine. So it probably accounts for not only a lot of urinary symptoms but a significant aspect of the disease's transmission -- the expulsion of eggs into the urine, which eventually contaminates another body of water," he said.
Finally, as has been observed in infections produced by other Schistosomal species, the Stanford team noted signs of a shift in character of the immune response toward a state that it is oriented to tissue repair and to isolating pathogens -- effectively attempting to enclose them in cement-like jails called granulomas -- in order to prevent further tissue damage. (This mode of immune response may be best-suited to combating relatively large pathogens that would be likely to withstand an attempt by the immune system to kill them outright in a frenzy of inflammatory fury.)
Hsieh's group corroborated their microarray results at both intracellular and macroscopic levels with ultrasound, microscopic and molecular assessments. For instance, discernible evidence of scarring in bladder-wall tissue coincided with microarray readings indicating fibrosis-gene activation.
"Schistosomes have evolved with mammals for millions of years," said Hsieh. "Our shared evolutionary history makes our findings in mice likely to be relevant to humans. These observations may also have implications for fibrotic disease in general. Understanding fibrosis is very important, because it is involved in cardiovascular disease, cancer and other diseases accounting for up to half of all deaths in the developed world."
The S. haematobium mouse model may also pinpoint biomarkers that enhance the detection and monitoring of incipient bladder cancer, a poorly understood disease.
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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Stanford University Medical Center. The original article was written by Bruce Goldman.
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Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/~3/uRI8oRSQJfk/121129173946.htm
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So you might be asking yourself ?Are there any healthy meats out there?? We meat lovers are happy to know that yes, there are. So you don?t have to feel guilty about your meat cravings and now you can embrace them instead. No one?s claiming that you have to eat meat every day, but meat does contain amino acids that help keep your body healthy.
There are really good, regularly available choices of meats that are high in protein and low in fat. You can do much better than just slicing off the fat from the ends of the meat that you eat too. Choosing and preparing the right kinds of meat goes a long way towards being and eating healthier. Here are 5 meats that you can add to your diet and not feel bad about it.
Pork is ?the other white meat? and is a healthy alternative to red meat. Pork is a better protein source than most forms of beef and is comparable to turkey in terms of fat-to-lean-meat ratio. A typical pork chop, with the fat cut off, contains about 0.3 oz (8 g) of fat. Pork chops can be relatively lean, but they?re typically not as low-fat as chicken or fish. By contrast, however, a USDA, University of Wisconsin and Maryland study found that a 3 oz (85 g) serving of pork tenderloin contains 0.105 oz (2.98 g) of fat and that the same portion of skinless chicken breast contains 0.106 oz (3.03 g) of fat.
We all know that white meat is much better for you than red ? that?s a well-known fact. Chicken is a great source of protein and, as an added bonus; it?s less expensive than beef. Boneless skinless chicken breasts have only 116 calories and 3.2 grams of fat. It can be marinated, dry rubbed or even put on the BBQ, also boiled or broiled. There are well over 100 different ways to prepare and cook chicken. It tends to take on other flavors well, but should not be marinated for too long. Even marinating chicken for half an hour will give you added flavor.
Turkey is generally a white meat (turkey breast), but it packs more flavor than chicken, and its dark meat can be pretty gamy. Turkey meat is also relatively low in fat: one 4.9 oz (140 g) serving of skinless roasted turkey contains about 0.25 oz (7 g) of fat. Turkey meat often contains more protein and calories per gram than chicken does but is higher in saturated fat. Turkey is particularly high in tryptophan, an amino acid that induces sleepiness. Free-ranging poultry is considered much healthier than poultry from large commercial farms, because of the different diet, natural growing conditions and less use of hormones. Also eating the cartilage at the end of drumsticks and wings is an excellent source of hyaluronic acid. If you didn?t know what hyaluronic acid is, well it works by acting as a cushion and lubricant in the joints and other tissues. In addition, it might affect the way the body responds to injury.
Oily Fish
Some examples of oily fish include salmon, trout, sardines and anchovies. These types of fish have oil in their tissues and around their gut. Their lean fillets contain up to 30% oil, specifically, omega-3 fatty acids. These oils are known to provide health benefits for the heart, as well as to the nervous system. People who eat lots of fish are less likely to develop colon cancer than those who don?t. Also oily fish are also known to provide benefits for patients with inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis. Oily fish also contain vitamins A and D.
Buffalo (Bison)
Bison, or buffalo, meat is rich in nutrients such as zinc and iron. It generally contains fewer calories, less fat and lower levels of cholesterol than beef, chicken and pork. No matter how good white meat can taste, it will never truly satisfy the hankering we have for red meat. Buffalo, however, can. It?s probably the reddest meat you?ll ever see and unlike beef, it?s pretty good for you. A hunk of buffalo has far less fat than steak does and buffalo are generally grass-fed, which means a healthier meat.
Also if you want to compare that to a regular burger, your typical lean hamburger (10% fat) contains about 0.32 oz (9 g) of fat. Buffalo burgers, on the other hand, contain less than half that, about 0.14 oz (4 g).
Source: http://if-fit.com/5-healthy-meats-in-your-diet/
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ScienceDaily (Nov. 27, 2012) ? A "sonar vision" system that enables people who are blind from birth to perceive the shape of a face, a house or even words and letters, is being developed by a team at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Using this device, the researchers have shown that, in people that are blind from birth, the areas of the cerebral cortex normally devoted to reading become activated in response to stimulation.
The results of this study, conducted in conjunction with researchers at the ICM Brain and Bone Marrow Institute Research Center (Inserm/UPMC/AP-HP) and NeuroSpin (CEA-Inserm), were published in Neuron on November 8.
It is generally accepted that the visual cortex fails to develop normally in the congenitally blind, to such an extent that it can prove impossible to recover sight at a later point -- even in cases where blindness can be corrected. In reality, the blind can indeed access a kind of vision, describe objects, and even identify written words and letters, using a "sensory substitution device" (SSD), which transforms images into sound.
These are the results demonstrated in the study conducted at the Edmond and Lily Safra Neuroscience Center (Hebrew University of Jerusalem). The study was conceived by researchers at the Hebrew University, who carried out the experimental components, with scientific support from French cognitive neuroimaging specialists.
The device consists in a small video camera embedded in a pair of eyeglasses, a laptop (or Smartphone) which transforms images into sounds, and stereo headphones to hear the sounds produced. For example, an oblique line is transformed into an increasingly high-pitched sound (or increasingly lower-pitched sound). The same principle is used to encode much more complex images in auditory form.
Using this system, the blind can achieve greater "visual" acuity than that defined as blindness according to WHO criteria.
After only 70 hours of specialized training, the blind are able to correctly classify images into different categories (faces, houses, etc.). They can also perceive other important information, such as where people are located in a room and certain facial expressions. They can even read words and letters (see videos at http://brain.huji.ac.il/).
In addition to the performance enabled by this sensory substitution system, the researchers at the Hebrew University wanted to understand what happens in the brain when a blind person learns to "see" through sound. To this end, they have developed a functional MRI study based on a specific paradigm.
In particular, they have shown that the regions of the cortex normally devoted to visual perception, which seem to serve no apparent use in the blind, become highly activated in response to the "sonar vision" of faces, houses and words, etc.
Not only is the visual cortex activated, it also demonstrates a "normal" functional selectivity of different categories of objects. Thus, in a sighted person, a very specific region of the visual cortex in the left hemisphere (known by the acronym VWFA), is known to become more activated when perceiving a string of letters than when perceiving any other kind of object. It is exactly this same region that is activated when a blind person reads letter using the "sonar vision" device.
"The fact that this specialization for reading develops after just a few hours of training shows a remarkable degree of cerebral plasticity," explained Stanislas Dehaene (NeuroSpin brain imaging center). These results back up the idea that that the so-called visual cortex is selective in analyzing the shape of objects, and can perform this function based on visual input (as is generally the case), but also, if necessary, based on auditory or tactile input.
"These results suggest that it may be possible, with the right technology and rehabilitation, to 'wake up' certain areas of the brain and access certain aspects of the visual world, even after years, or even a lifetime of blindness," concluded Laurent Cohen (ICM Research Center).
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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA).
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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.
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My stepson is getting married in May of next year. I thought this be appropriate.
Guest Post
You?ve seen your girl grow up from a little princess to a beautiful, young woman who is about to get married; but with the pressures of juggling wedding plans and her work commitments, she might transform into a monstrous bridezilla! Even the sweetest girls can turn a little crazy before their wedding, and as mother of the wife-to-be, it?s down to you to save the day.
Hire a Wedding Planner
Wedding planners are expensive, but you?ll be glad you got one. Not only will you receive large discounts off your purchases, but the whole planning process will run smoothly and be as stress-free as possible.
Wedding planners usually take up 10% of the nuptial budget, but her services will be priceless. You?ll both be able to breathe a sigh of relief, as your wedding planner fusses over the finer points of the ceremony, so you don?t have to!
Going for a budget wedding? Hello, maid of honour. Talk to your daughter?s best friend and see if she?s willing to assume all the responsibilities of a wedding planner. Obviously, she?ll need to be organised and tasteful, but if you think she makes the grade, it?s a fantastic, free alternative to a professional. You may lose out on the insider knowledge and discounts, but you?ll have a larger budget for fripperies.
Take Care of the Bride
When it comes to making sure your daughter is in tip-top condition for her wedding day, you?re really going to have to pull your finger out. Yes, you?ll have to offer a shoulder to cry on. You should also help her get a natural glow with a regular exercise routine. Not only will you both comfortably fit into your wedding outfits and look wonderful, but you?ll feel great too. Don?t crash diet, but eat healthy, moderate portions. Thin doesn?t mean beautiful.
A week before the wedding, take a large percentage of the responsibilities away from your daughter and delegate them to trusted family members ? many hands make light work. Boss her into relaxation. This week should be spent getting a lot of sleep, eating healthily, and generally treating her body like a temple.
Fuss over her (what you do best!) and go for a spa day before the wedding. A full-body massage is the fastest way to rub down those wedding jitters. Instead of encouraging the bridal party to get blind drunk on her hen night, have the party at a spa, complete with flutes of champagne.
Keep the wedding simple. Extravagance really doesn?t make for the best kind of ceremony. Look for wedding venues in Cheshire which don?t cost the earth. You?d be amazed at how spellbinding and romantic you can make the most basic of settings. With fewer things to worry about, you?re smoothing the path to a stress-free wedding.
Unless you?re footing the bill, the last thing the bride-to-be needs is to be stressing over money problems. The average wedding in the UK costs a whopping ?21,000! So set a realistic budget and leave a little lee-way, as you?ll almost always go over-budget. Your daughter doesn?t want to enter married life with her head buried in debt ? not a great start.
Sophie is a freelance journalist who writes about relationships, engagements and finally tying the knot! For more information on how to iron out your wedding plans, visit http://www.knowsleyhallvenue.co.uk/.
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Source: http://mommyhastowork.com/2012/11/effective-ways-to-ease-the-stress-of-your-daughters-big-day/
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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice on Tuesday conceded that an early account she gave about the attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, was partly inaccurate, but she failed to win over Republican senators who accused her of misleading the public.
Rice met for about an hour behind closed doors at the U.S. Capitol with Republican Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Kelly Ayotte, who have threatened to block her nomination if President Barack Obama chooses her for Secretary of State or another top post in his second-term Cabinet.
They have openly criticized her for initial comments after the September 11 attack in Benghazi that suggested it was a spontaneous event arising from protests over an anti-Islam film rather than a premeditated attack.
The U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans were killed in the attack on the Benghazi mission and a nearby CIA annex. Intelligence officials later said the attack was possibly tied to al Qaeda affiliates.
"We are significantly troubled by many of the answers that we got, and some that we didn't get, concerning evidence that was overwhelming leading up to the attack on our consulate," McCain told reporters after the meeting.
"It is clear that the information that she gave the American people was incorrect when she said that it was a spontaneous demonstration triggered by a hateful video," he said.
"It was not, and there was compelling evidence at the time that that was certainly not the case, including statements by Libyans as well as other Americans who are fully aware that people don't bring mortars and rocket-propelled grenades to spontaneous demonstrations," McCain said.
Republicans have argued that the Obama administration tried to play down the terrorist angle in its initial comments to avoid undermining the president's claims of success in fighting al Qaeda in the run-up to the November 6 election.
Rice, who was accompanied by acting CIA Director Michael Morell, later issued a statement saying:
"We explained that the talking points provided by the intelligence community, and the initial assessment upon which they were based, were incorrect in a key respect: there was no protest or demonstration in Benghazi."
"While, we certainly wish that we had had perfect information just days after the terrorist attack, as is often the case, the intelligence assessment has evolved," she said.
"We stressed that neither I nor anyone else in the Administration intended to mislead the American people at any stage in this process."
Obama has defended Rice and said if senators have a problem with the administration's handling of Benghazi they should "go after me" rather than try to "besmirch her reputation."
Obama has also said if he believed Rice was the right person for a job in his administration, he would not hesitate to nominate her, throwing down the gauntlet to Republicans.
The White House has not given a timeframe for when the president might nominate Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's replacement. Clinton's aides have said she plans to step down around the inauguration, which is in late January, and would like to stay until her successor is confirmed.
Rice met in the afternoon with Senator Joseph Lieberman, the independent chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, and she will return to Capitol Hill on Wednesday to meet with the panel's top Republican, Senator Susan Collins.
Collins said it was "way too early to tell" if Rice could attract the 60 Senate votes needed to overcome any procedural obstacles if she is nominated, but that Rice had erred in being the administration's voice on Benghazi if she was interested in becoming secretary of state.
"The secretary of state is supposed to be above politics, and she played a very political role by appearing at the height of the political campaign, on those shows," Collins said.
Lieberman, after meeting Rice, said: "I specifically asked her whether at any point prior to going on those Sunday morning television shows she was briefed or urged to say certain things by anybody in the White House related to the campaign or political operations. She said 'no.'"
Graham also criticized U.S. intelligence agencies that wrote the talking points on which Rice based her public comments.
"I'm very disappointed in our intelligence community. I think they failed in many ways. But with a little bit of inquiry and curiosity, I think it would be pretty clear that to explain this episode as related to a video that created a mob that turned into a riot was far afield," he said. "And at the end of the day, we're going to get to the bottom of this."
Rice's controversial Benghazi statements were based on a set of unclassified talking points prepared by U.S. intelligence agencies for members of Congress.
The initial draft written by the CIA referred to "attacks" carried out by "extremists with ties to al Qaeda." However by the time Rice received them, "attacks" had changed to "demonstrations" and "with ties to al Qaeda" had been deleted, multiple U.S. sources have said.
The White House has denied making those edits and members of Congress are trying to determine where the changes came from.
"The points clearly reflect the early indications of extremist involvement in a direct assault. It wasn't until after they were used in public that analysts reconciled contradictory information about how the assault began," a U.S. intelligence official said. "There was absolutely no intent to misinform."
The senators who met with Rice remained unconvinced by her responses and said her visit left them with greater concerns than before the meeting.
"I wouldn't vote for anybody being nominated out of the Benghazi debacle until I had answers about what happened that I don't have today," Graham said.
Asked whether he would block such a nomination, Graham replied: "Oh, absolutely. I would place a hold on anybody that wanted to be promoted for any job that had a role in the Benghazi situation."
White House spokesman Jay Carney said the questions about Rice's appearance on the talk shows and the talking points had been answered. "The focus on - some might say obsession on - comments made on Sunday shows seems to me and to many to be misplaced," he said.
(Additional reporting by Jeff Mason and Mark Hosenball; Editing by Jackie Frank and Todd Eastham)
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/senators-wont-support-rice-until-libya-questions-resolved-162116177.html
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The Mac has always been the platform that high-end professionals prefer for working with graphics, video, and music. But the Mac also excels in low-end graphics software for users like me who want to convert bitmap graphics from one format to another, or reduce the size of a graphic before mailing it or posting it online, or who want to make amateur-level touchups or even, when we're feeling ambitious, creating our own custom icons for folders or files. For all these purposes, and a few hundred more, the standout app is GraphicConverter. One reason this app stands out from the competition is that it's been in continuous development since 1992, and the author has had time to add every feature you can imagine and a few dozen that you've never thought of.
What it Does
As its name suggests, the heart of GraphicConverter is its ability to open files in two hundred graphics formats and export to almost eighty different formats. For many legacy formats, GraphicConverter seems to be only conversion program that can handle the format under OS X. As in most graphic-manipulation programs, you can open a file in GraphicConverter, modify it with a variety of tools and filters, resize it, add text, and save it in the same or a different format. But GraphicConverter also builds in a powerful batch-processor feature. You can select a folder full of graphic files in multiple formats, and set up a series of operations that the app will perform on every file, such as converting to a single format, adding text to the exported filename, applying a maximum size, changing the gamma, adding an alpha channel, or dozens of others. Of course you can save and reuse any series of operations that you create.
All these functions are offered in a modern, easy-to-manage interface that feels at home in OS X. For example, when building a series of batch operations like the ones described in the preceding paragraph, you drag individual functions from a list of available functions into a stack of specific functions that you want to perform, each with a menu of options. This is basically the same interface that OS X uses for the system-wide batch operations you can create with its built-in Automator app.
GraphicConverter includes a catalog -building feature that creates thumbnail catalogs in the form of HTML pages with links to the full-size files, or as printed pages or static images that contain thumbnails but no links. Picasa and similar services can build HTML catalogs that are far more elegant than GraphicConverter's default layout, so I use those services when I post picture galleries online, but I use GraphicConverter to provide HTML catalogues of all the images in a folder and all its subfolders that I can use on my own disk, so that I don't need to navigate through multiple folders in the Finder to get to the image I need.
What it Doesn't Do
Professional graphics designers won't be satisfied with the image-editing tools in GraphicConverter, though they're almost perfect for amateurs like me. GraphicConverter doesn't support layers like Photoshop, although it can add an alpha channel to existing images when you want to add transparency. Its toolkit includes all the standard brushes, pencils, erasers, paintcans, and text tools that you expect in graphics editors, with all the usual options, but some of them aren't entirely intuitive.
I still haven't figured out how to use GraphicConverter's tools to replace more than one color in a bitmap image with transparency, for example, and the huge PDF manual that ships with the app isn't designed to give easy answers. When I want to make large multicolored areas of an image become transparent, I generally quit GraphicConverter and use the tools in Axalis IconWorkshop (www.axialis.com), which runs only under Windows. If you know how to do perform this feat, please post the technique in the comments.
Good as it is, GraphicConverter has a few small areas that could use improvement. When you paste another image over an existing image, it isn't easy to resize the pasted-in part so that it fits exactly the way you want it to into the existing image. GraphicConverter is one of the few Mac apps that can read the old WordPerfect Graphics (WPG) format?but it only reads version 1 of that format, not version 2. Open-source code is available for converting WPG2 files, and I hope it may get incorporated into future versions.
Support and Versions
I'm impressed by the way the author of GraphicConverter responds to questions. A few months ago I found an obscure bug in the way the app saves images in Apple's icon format, and sent an e-mail to the author with some sample files that illustrated the problem. The vendor not only fixed the bug but also improved the feature by updating it to support Apple's latest icon format, which includes high-resolution images that Apple's own Icon Composer tool still doesn't support.
You can buy GraphicConverter for the same price from the Mac App Store and from the vendor's web site. If there's any chance you'll need to open images in obscure, obsolete formats, buy the version from the vendor's site. In order to conform to Apple's severe security restrictions, the vendor had to omit support for at least one obscure format?the ECW format that used to be a common standard for satellite images of the earth?in the App Store version, although the vendor's own version continues to support it.
To keep my complaints in perspective, remember that I've complained about a tiny proportion of the enormous feature set of this generally superb and unparalleled app. GraphicConverter does more things with more formats than any other application I've ever seen on any platform, and if you're a non-professional who needs high-quality image manipulation and conversion on a Mac, it's both the only choice and our Editors' Choice.
More Graphics Software Reviews:
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Country music titan Dolly Parton is anything but shy.In an exclusive interview with "Nightline," Parton dished about her love life (including those rumors that she is secretly gay), losing a drag queen lookalike contest and building an entertainment empire estimated at half a billion dollars.Watch the full story on "Nightline" tonight at 11:35 p.m. ETIn her long reign as a country music legend, Parton, now 66, has done it all. In her new motivational memoir, "Dream More," which will be released on Nov. 27, Parton talks about growing up dirt poor in Sevierville, Tenn. ...
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/supreme-court-allows-challenge-obama-health-law-182018170.html
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ScienceDaily (Nov. 27, 2012) ? Most healthy cells rely on a complicated process to produce the fuel ATP. Knowing how ATP is produced by the cell's energy storehouse -- the mitochondria -- is important for understanding a cell's normal state, as well as what happens when things go wrong, for example in cancer, cardiovascular disease, neurodegeneration, and many rare disorders of the mitochondria.
Two years ago, Kevin Foskett, PhD, professor of Physiology at the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, and colleagues discovered that fundamental control of ATP production is an ongoing shuttle of calcium to the mitochondria from another cell compartment. They found that mitochondria rely on this transfer to make enough ATP to support normal cell metabolism.
Foskett's lab and the lab of colleague Muniswamy Madesh, PhD, at Temple University, discovered last month an essential mechanism that regulates the flow of calcium into mitochondria, described in the October 26 issue of Cell. They found that the mitochondrial protein MICU1 is required to establish the proper level of calcium uptake under normal conditions.
In a new paper out this week in Nature Cell Biology, the same Penn-Temple team describe a new protein and its function. Like MICU1, this new protein, MCUR1, interacts physically with MCU, the uniporter calcium ion channel within the mitochondria. Calcium uptake is driven by a voltage across the inner mitochondrial membrane and mediated by the calcium-selective ion channel called the uniporter.
"But this newly described protein, MCUR1, has the opposite role as MICU1," notes Foskett. "It seems to be a subunit that, together with MCU, is required for a functional uniporter calcium channel."
Many cell plasma membrane ion channels also have subunits that are required for those channels to work. Before this paper, there was no realization that this mitochondrial channel, MCU, did as well.
Maintaining the correct levels of calcium in the mitochondria plays an important role in cellular physiology: Calcium flux across the inner mitochondrial membrane regulates cell energy production and activation of cell-death pathways, for example. In MICU1's absence mitochondria become overloaded with calcium, generating excessive amounts of reactive oxygen molecules and eventually cell death. In contrast, in the absence of MCUR1, mitochondria cannot take up enough calcium. This also has detrimental effects: the cells cannot make enough ATP and they activate autophagy, a mechanism in which cells "eat themselves" to provide sufficient nutrients for survival.
Both papers deal with the function of the uniporter, the calcium channel in the inner membrane of mitochondria that lets calcium get into the mitochondrial matrix where it can do good things like promote ATP synthesis and healthy bioenergetics, or bad things, like mitochondrial-mediated cell death, apoptosis and necrosis.
Because of these two papers, the uniporter is now recognized as a channel complex, containing -- at least -- MCU, MCUR1 and MICU1. Since the uniporter can be a therapeutic target is reperfusion injury, ischemic injury, and programmed cell death, MCUR1 and its interaction with MCU are now targets for drug development.
Other investigators contributing to the work include Cesar Cardenas, Jun Yang, Marioly Muller, Russell Miller, Jill E. Kolesar, Brett Kaufman, all from Penn; first author Karthik Mallilankaraman, Patrick Doonan, Harish C. Chandramoorthy, Krishna M. Irrinki, and Priyanka Madireddi, all from Temple; Tunde Golenar, Gyorgy Csordas, Gyorgy Hajnoczky, all from Thomas Jefferson University; and Jordi Molgo, Institute de Neurobiologie Alfred Fessard, Laboratoire de Neurobiolgie Cellulaire et D?veloppement, France.
The research was supported by funding from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and National Institute of General Medical Sciences grants R01 HL086699, HL086699-01A2S1, 1S10RR027327-01, GM56328 and the American Heart Association.
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DHAKA, Bangladesh (AP) -- Fire raced through a garment factory that supplies major retailers in the West, killing at least 112 people, many of whom were trapped by the flames because the eight-story building lacked emergency exits, an official said Sunday.
The blaze broke out late Saturday at a factory operated just outside Bangladesh's capital of Dhaka by Tazreen Fashions Ltd., a subsidiary of the Tuba Group, which makes products for Wal-Mart and other companies in the U.S. and Europe.
Firefighters recovered at least 100 bodies from the factory, Maj. Mohammad Mahbub, fire department operations director, told The Associated Press. He said 12 other people who were injured after they jumped from the building to escape died at hospitals.
Local media reported that up to 124 people were killed. The cause of the blaze was not immediately clear, and authorities ordered an investigation.
Army soldiers and border guards were sent to help police keep order as thousands of onlookers and anxious relatives of the factory workers gathered, Mahbub said.
Tazreen was given a "high risk" safety rating after a May 16, 2011, audit conducted by an "ethical sourcing" assessor for Wal-Mart, according to a document posted on the Tuba Group's website. It did not specify what led to the rating.
Wal-Mart spokesman Kevin Gardner said online documents indicating an orange or "high risk" assessment after the May 2011 inspection and a yellow or "medium risk" report after an inspection in August 2011 appeared to pertain to the factory where the fire broke out. The August 2011 letter said Wal-Mart would conduct another inspection within one year.
Gardner said it was not clear if that inspection had been conducted or whether the factory was still making products for Wal-Mart.
If a factory is rated "orange" three times in a two-year period, Wal-Mart won't place any orders for one year. The May 2011 report was the first orange rating for the factory.
Neither Tazreen's owner nor Tuba Group officials could be reached for comment.
The Tuba Group is a major Bangladeshi garment exporter whose clients also include Carrefour and IKEA, according to its website. Its factories export garments to the U.S., Germany, France, Italy and the Netherlands, among other countries. The Tazreen factory, which opened in 2009 and employed about 1,700 people, made polo shirts, fleece jackets and T-shirts.
Bangladesh has some 4,000 garment factories, many without proper safety measures. The country annually earns about $20 billion from exports of garment products, mainly to the U.S. and Europe.
In its 2012 Global Responsibility report, Wal-Mart said that "fire safety continues to be a key focus for brands and retailers sourcing from Bangladesh." Wal-Mart said it ceased working with 49 factories in Bangladesh in 2011 because of fire safety issues, and was working with its supplier factories to phase out production from buildings deemed high risk.
At the factory, relatives of the workers frantically looked for their loved ones. Sabina Yasmine said she saw the body of her daughter-in-law, but had seen no trace of her son, who also worked there.
"Oh, Allah, where's my soul? Where's my son?" wailed Yasmine, who works at another factory in the area. "I want the factory owner to be hanged. For him, many have died, many have gone."
Mahbub said the fire broke out on the ground floor, which was used as a warehouse, and spread quickly to the upper floors. Many workers who retreated to the roof were rescued, he said. But he said that with no emergency exits leading outside the building, many victims were trapped, and firefighters recovered 69 bodies from the second floor alone.
"The factory had three staircases, and all of them were down through the ground floor," Mahbub said. "So the workers could not come out when the fire engulfed the building."
"Had there been at least one emergency exit through outside the factory, the casualties would have been much lower," he said.
Many victims were burned beyond recognition. The bodies were laid out in rows at a school nearby. Many of them were handed over to families; unclaimed victims were taken to Dhaka Medical College for identification.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina expressed shock at the loss of so many lives.
The Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association said it would stand by the victims' families.
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/112-killed-fire-bangladesh-garment-060756696.html
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By NBC News staff
A man and woman are dead and a teenage boy is missing after the trio were swept into the ocean by big waves in northern California while trying to rescue their dog, according to media reports.
The accident happened Saturday afternoon at Big Lagoon about 32 miles north of Eureka in Humboldt County.
Family members went into the water to try to save their pet dog, which had been pulled away by 8- to 10-foot waves, KTVU-TV reported.
The mother and father drowned and their bodies were recovered. They were pronounced dead at the scene, according to the Times-Standard.??A 16-year-old boy, believed to be the couple?s son, was missing.
The U.S. Coast Guard said the daughter called police, according to KTVU.
The dog managed to make it to safety, the TV station reported.
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There are millions of different online businesses out there, and if you expect your particular business to be successful, then you need to implement some sound marketing techniques. By reading through this information, you will find valuable information on how to best utilize the Internet for marketing purposes. Keep reading for great Internet marketing information.
Think about methods you want to use to advertise your webpage. Free or cheap methods to promote your business are to make a blog or use social networks to promote your business. There are many ways to get people to come to your site. It just takes some creativity.
Make sure that you maximize the quality of third-party security with transactions. Many different companies offer a variety of secure services. VeriSign is one of the programs that helps to keep financial information private. Security systems can cost money, but they are absolute necessities for doing business online safely.
Internet marketing is both similar to, and different from, other marketing tactics. Be ready for any changes that may come up, like if search engines stop putting focus on title tags. Knowing this, you might need to place more effort in marketing a video to viral audiences.
Every company should have both an interesting slogan and a professional logo, no matter the size of the company. You customers will remember you by how you portray your brand. Customers tend to remember catchy slogans for quite a while. When a customer is ready to buy a product, he might remember your slogan even if he doesn?t remember the name of your business. In the age of the internet, that?s not a big problem.
Sending emails is a great way to stay in touch with your customers, but make sure you send out varied content. A block of links that remain the same with every email your customers receive is easy to start ignoring. Create variety in your emails to gain attention.
Another option would be combining products into a package deal and selling it for a lower price. That way the customer gets more bang for their buck. Advertisements for sales or promotions must be detailed and contain the exact conditions of the offer.
Use social networks such as Facebook and Twitter to connect with your audience. You can use these sites to advertise new offers or to share your latest articles. However, make sure to not over-advertise on these websites. Rather, strive to post useful and smart messages with intermittent marketing messages interspersed.
Making your site stand out is a great Internet promotion advantage you can use. Making your site stand out is what drives visitors towards your site, and there are a lot out there so this is a good strategy. You should showcase something you offer that no one else does.
Make a webpage specifically built for public relations. This is where you can include information that online magazines and newspapers can publish. Not only is this simple to do, but it also is an excellent way to promote your business.
Spin the positives when selling your goods. Concentrate on the value your product or service will add to their life. Tell them how it will make their life better. Having a positive attitude, and being confident that your product will work to the customer?s benefit, will encourage more sales.
High-quality graphics of your products can make or break an online sale. Your customers need to be able to visualize the items they are about to buy, and see the detail of your high-quality products. Allow customers to post their own images of your products to show how they use them. If your product warrants use of ?before and after? pictures, they can be an effective selling tool.
If you can you should give your away something branded for free to help spread awareness of your business. For example, if it?s a wallpaper, submit it to sites that offer free wallpapers. Many websites give their customers freebies, downloads, and e-zines that accept links for you to submit your site.
As stated above, Internet marketing helps your business get noticed. Traditional advertising methods just cannot give you the visibility and the worldwide presence that Online marketing can provide. Use the helpful tips here, and find out what works best for you.
The formatting of your website?s text plays an important role in its attractiveness and success. You can emphasize a single word using tags to underline, bold, or italicize it. This can help to distinguish how you want your customer to receive a certain message, which can help with the clarity of what you are trying to say.
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Oregon running back Kenjon Barner walks off the field after he was hurt on a play during the first half of an NCAA college football game against Oregon State in Corvallis, Ore., Saturday, Nov. 24, 2012.(AP Photo/Don Ryan)
Oregon running back Kenjon Barner walks off the field after he was hurt on a play during the first half of an NCAA college football game against Oregon State in Corvallis, Ore., Saturday, Nov. 24, 2012.(AP Photo/Don Ryan)
Oregon running back Kenjon Barner, right, is congratulated on his touchdown by quarterback Marcus Mariota during the first half of their NCAA college football game against Oregon State in Corvallis, Ore., Saturday, Nov. 24, 2012. In the background is Oregon's Nick Cody.(AP Photo/Don Ryan)
Oregon coach Chip Kelly talks with his players during the first half of an NCAA college football game against Oregon State in Corvallis, Ore., Saturday, Nov. 24, 2012.(AP Photo/Don Ryan)
Oregon State running back Storm Woods breaks into the open during the first half of an NCAA college football game against Oregon in Corvallis, Ore., Saturday, Nov. 24, 2012.(AP Photo/Don Ryan)
Oregon running back Kenjon Barner (24) heads down field ahead of a pack of Oregon State defenders during the first half of their NCAA college football game in Corvallis, Ore., Saturday, Nov. 24, 2012. (AP Photo/Don Ryan)
CORVALLIS, Ore. (AP) ? Kenjon Barner ran for 198 yards and two touchdowns despite leaving the game for a time with an injury and No. 5 Oregon defeated No. 16 Oregon State 48-24 in the Civil War on Saturday, keeping alive the Ducks' hopes for a spot in the Pac-12 title game and even an outside chance at the national championship.
De'Anthony Thomas, who helped picked up the slack while Barner was on the sidelines, ran for 122 yards and three scores for the Ducks (11-1, 8-1).
After Oregon's undefeated season was thwarted by a 17-14 overtime loss to Stanford last weekend, the Ducks had to wait for UCLA's game against the Cardinal later Saturday to see who would be headed to the conference championship game. Both Oregon and Stanford started the day with one conference loss in the league's northern division.
It was Oregon's fifth straight victory in the 116-game rivalry series with the Beavers.
While the Civil War is normally the season finale for both teams, Oregon State (8-3, 6-3) will host Nicholls State next Saturday in a matchup that was supposed to open the season but was put off when Hurricane Isaac bore down on the Colonels' Thibodaux, La., campus.
The Beavers will have to wait to find out where they're headed for a bowl game, but already their season can be counted a success after they went just 3-9 last year.
Barner appeared to hurt either his abdomen or ribs late in the first half and headed to the locker room. He returned after the break, but much of the work went to Thomas until he returned on a scoring drive that made it 41-17 early in the fourth quarter.
Oregon redshirt freshman Marcus Mariota threw for 140 yards and a score, and also ran for 85 yards and a touchdown.
His Oregon State counterpart, Sean Mannion, threw for 311 yards and a touchdown but was intercepted four times. Storm Woods rushed for 70 yards and two scores.
Mannion started the first four games of the season, throwing seven touchdowns and averaging 339 yards, but injured his left knee and required surgery. Vaz, who hadn't started since high school, took over and helped the Beavers to win in the next two games, and later became the team's starter.
But Vaz sprained his left ankle in the final moments of a loss to Stanford two weeks ago, and sat out last Saturday during Oregon State's 64-14 victory at home over California. Mannion got the nod for the Civil War.
A 47,249 fans attended the game, setting Reser Stadium record.
Oregon put the Stanford loss behind them by striking quickly on their first possession with Mariota's 42-yard keeper. The touchdown drive took just 1:46, but the Ducks' 2-point try to cap it off failed.
The Beavers took a 7-6 lead on Woods' 7-yard touchdown run, but the Ducks answered on the next series with Thomas' 2-yard TD dash. Barner added a 1-yard scoring run before he was hurt.
Stanford held Barner to 66 yards the week before, but he had 141 yards before halftime against the Beavers. With his first 15 yards rushing Saturday, he moved past Derek Loville (1986-89) for second on Oregon's career rushing list.
Trevor Romaine kicked a 36-yard field goal to narrow it to 20-10 at halftime and the Beavers pulled closer with Woods' 2-yard scoring run on their first series of the second half.
It was all Ducks the rest of the way. Thomas scored on a 6-yard run to extend Oregon's lead to 27-17, before the Ducks capitalized on a Beaver fumble that led to Thomas' 29-yard touchdown run. Barner returned with his 1-yard run and Mariota found B.J. Kelley with a 2-yeard scoring pass.
Mannion hit Micah Hatfield with a 6-yard touchdown pass with 20 seconds left for the final margin.
The Ducks hold a 60-46-10 advantage in the Civil War which dates back to 1894 and is the seventh-most contested rivalry in the nation.
It was the fourth time that both teams were ranked for the Civil War. The last was in 2009, when Oregon was No. 7 and Oregon State was No. 13. That game was dubbed the "War of the Roses" because the winner was guaranteed a Rose Bowl berth. Oregon won 37-33.
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